Medellin, Colombia
About Medellin
Medellin aims to become Colombia’s first circular city. It has been consolidating a solid foundation of legal frameworks on which its circular economy public policy is based. The Circular Economy Public Policy of Medellin contributes to the efforts of achieving a sustainable, decarbonized, resource efficient and competitive economy. Based on the National Circular Economy Strategy (ENEC), its axes and their corresponding action plans for policies and instruments are production, consumption, waste management, as well as water reuse and circulation. The commitment of the city to carry out its transition towards circular development follows the framework of the Ecocity strategic outline of the Medellin Future Development Plan 2020-2023, in the “Circular economy and solid waste management” program. To achieve its objectives, Medellin carries out an extensive consultation with all stakeholders involved in the city that aims to join this transformation process.