Local and Subnational Governments Coalition to End Plastic Pollution


Sign up to support the Coalition and the Statement Inscríbase para apoyar a la coalición y la declaración Signez pour soutenir la coalition et la déclaration


In February 2022, at the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), a historic resolution (resolution 5/14) was adopted to develop an international legally binding instrument to contain plastic pollution, including in the marine environment with the ambition to complete the negotiations by end of 2024.

The instrument is to be based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastic. The INC will consider how to promote sustainable production and consumption of plastics from product design to environmentally sound waste management through resource efficiency and circular economy approaches.

The rapidly increasing levels of plastic pollution represent a serious global environmental issue that negatively impacts the environmental, social, economic and health dimensions of sustainable development. Under a business-as-usual scenario and in the absence of necessary interventions, the amount of plastic waste entering aquatic ecosystems could nearly triple from some 9–14 million tonnes per year in 2016 to a projected 23–37 million tons per year by 2040.

Read the Media Release Read the Coalition Statement

Local and Subnational Governments Coalition to End Plastic Pollution

  • Coalition Concept

    To establish an international coalition of Local and Subnational Governments (LSNG), and relevant organizations, with the collective goal of engaging Member States and the INC-Secretariat during and post INC negotiations with a unified voice. The coalition also seeks to ensure that the future international instrument on plastic pollution has a high ambition to address plastic pollution, and also create healthy and thriving communities and workforce in line with the principles of a Just Transition, while ensuring a sustainable economy. 

  • Coalition Statement

    The Coalition Statement, that is developed specifically for INC-4, sets out the rationale for local and subnational governments voice to be included in the final instrument. The Statement also identifies critical areas that impacts local and subnational governments, while advocating for an ambitious final instrument. The coalition can be found here.

    Versión en Español Version française


  • Webinar: "Local and Subnational Governments Coalition to End Plastic Pollution: A Look Back on INC4 and the Way Forward to INC5"

    Join the Local and Subnational Governments (LSNG) Coalition and partners for an informative webinar on 17 July at one of the two available times:

    10:00  CEST time and 18:00 CEST time (12:00 EST Americas)

    This webinar aspires to connect existing partner and signatories and also further engage with interest local and subnational governments globally.


    Webinar recording AM session

    Webinar recording PM session



Convening partners:

Founding LSNG Signatories:


In collaboration with:


ICLEI, Magash Naidoo, magashen.naidoo@iclei.org, Head: Circular Development, World Secretariat

Government of Quebec, Rachel Levesque, Rachel.Levesque@mri.gouv.qc.ca

Government of Catalonia, Maria Rosés Giralt, mariaroses@gencat.cat

United Cities and Local Governments, Pablo Sebastián Mariani, p.mariani@uclg.org