Circular buildings and infrastructures: Outcome document of the EU CE Stakeholder Platform

Circular buildings and infrastructure: Outcome document of the EU CE Stakeholder Platform

This publication is the result of a collaboration between the various organizations that make up the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Leadership Group on Buildings and Infrastructure, including ICLEI Europe.

The built environment has a significant impact on a multitude of sectors, on local jobs and on quality of life. The construction sector accounts approximately for 50% of materials extracted in Europe, and is responsible for more than 35% of Europe’s waste.

The momentum to act is now as demonstrated by COP26, the EU Green Deal, the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) and its ongoing Strategy for the Built Environment, the Action plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, the related EU Taxonomy Regulation, and the Fit for 55 package, to mention a few. The Renovation Wave is the perfect initiative to implement circular measures in the renovations of buildings.

During 2021, the Leadership Group made some realizations and believes that, in order to achieve circularity, the following are needed:

  • go circular together, both on the international and the regional and/or bilateral level;
  • set the right frameworks for climate neutral and circular buildings and infrastructure in an integrated approach;
  • policies should be assessed not only from interdependent materials flow perspective but also from object and city/region perspective;
  • develop, promote and align circular international public procurement and use Total Cost of Ownership approaches;
  • use public funds and financing to support and accelerate circularity in infrastructure.
  • Explore the outcome document