Circular economy in Colombia: Opportunities for reusable packaging systems and women’s participation

Circular economy in Colombia: Opportunities for reusable packaging systems and women’s participation

This study, focused on Colombia, serves as a basis in the selection of the cities where the Circular City laboratories will be implemented. It identifies and characterizes the stakeholders’ ecosystem, existing initiatives, gender aspects, enabling conditions, challenges, and suitable sectors for the reuse of packaging in the cities of Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Santa Marta. The analysis focuses on models of refill and reuse, both at home and on the go, in the food, beverage, cosmetics and cleaning sectors. A total of 42 stakeholders participated in the study, representing the government, academia, associations, businesses, start-ups, collaboration platforms and civil society. 17 of these stakeholders were reuse initiatives; 11 start-ups, and 6 initiatives from large companies.