ICLEI invites you to join our webinar “Promoting the reuse of containers and packaging”
11 December, 9:00 GMT-5 (Colombia) /11:00 GMT-3 (Brazil) / 15:00 CET (Germany)
Explore how reusable packaging systems can address waste management challenges and drive the circular economy in Latin America. Part of the
Circular City Labs project, this webinar brings together city practitioners to exchange practical solutions and discuss the barriers and opportunities for scaling these solutions in Latin America.
The first part of the webinar will feature insights from the Cites of Ghent (Belgium) and Copenhagen (Denmark) and their pioneering reuse initiatives in the realm of reusable cups and dishes as well as take-out containers. The second part, facilitated by the City of Medellín (Colombia) will zoom in on Latin America and the concrete challenges and opportunities that cities are facing as they move from legislation and regulation to implementation.